From adventure to adventure with the Rocki Express

With the adventure slow train through the beautiful landscape of the community Liebenfels.

The adventure slow train leads through the beautiful landscape of the Liebenfels community, starting from the Liebenfels train station to the waterway adventure, Liebenfels Castle, the churches of the community (Liebenfels, Glantschach, Pulst, Sörg), past the family-run inns over the Sörger waterfall and back (Liebenfels train station to Sörger waterfall approx. 1 hour and 10 minutes by car). The day ticket is a Hopp on Hopp off offer, ie you can get on and off as often as you like on this day. The driving lap is offered a total of 4 times per day of use.

The exact departure times from Liebenfels train station (according to the connection to the ÖBB arrival times) can be found on the website
No driving in massive bad weather or thunderstorms (normal operation in light rain)

Your advantage with the Wörthersee PLUS Card

Day ticket adults € 10.00 instead of € 12.50

Day ticket children under 18 years € 4.00 instead of € 5.00

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